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Do you make time for yourself? Crystal Bath

Do you make time for yourself? Crystal Bath

What you do you do for yourself? Looking after yourself helps the entire universe. The energy of balance and wellness permeates throughout the cosmos. A crystal bath is so simple but an amazing luxury. Add flowers, epsom salts, French clay, essential oils and music if you like.

A massage is always beneficial. It's like getting a service on your car. It needs to be done to keep it running. Your body deserves to be looked after. 

Give yourself permission to feel good and do things that are helpful for your mind, body and soul. It should be natural to treat ourselves. It shouldn't even be called a treat. It should be a routine. Part of our daily practices. Do you have time to tune out from your busy life and connect to the Earth, nature, yourself and your inner soul and higher self?

Mindfulness is one helpful way to find balance and calm. Even if you are busy and having a bit of trouble finding the time you can still find 5 minutes off your devices to reconnect again. Focus on your breathing. Create a little pamper session. Focus on your senses. Be fully present in whatever you are doing.

Do you schedule in time for yourself?

Remember to take time just for you! You're worth it xox 

Love Jozee xx


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