Starseed Club & Lightworker Lounge
Starseeds and Lightworkers are Souls that haven't only incarnated on the Earth Plane.
Humans have gone deep into contrast and now we are rising again and stepping out of the old outdated systems and patterns. Many believe there are a huge number of Starseeds and Lightworkers on this planet. These are people that are shifting the old paradigm. The algorithms on Earth were similar for a while but now there are many anomalies that are challenging the old ways. A Starseed is a soul that has evolved from Cosmic Energy. A soul that is connected to the Stars. They may have more than one Starseed lineage. Many scientists believe that we have cosmic dna- meaning that we have been seeded by stars, comets, meteorites and races from the cosmos in this galaxy and beyond. Is our Starseed dna unlocking? Is our ancient wisdom awakening for us all?

Your consciousness dictates the Universe
Some Lightworkers are working with more Angelic and Celestial energy from the Angelic Realms. Light code frequencies are fractal patterns. They can look like geometric shapes. Almost like looking at a kaleidoscope. These light code frequencies contain information. They can also be interpreted through words and song such as Light Language. You may see them as visual images in your minds eye. You may hear the meaning of the codes. You may feel and be able to interpret them. Sometimes if you close your eyes and rub them then you can see the patterns. They can be bright white, yellow, orange, red colours and shapes. (There are many colors that exist in the Universe that we haven't interpreted with our human brains yet) Everyone is different and some may see them in many ways. There is no right way or wrong way.

If you look at it from a "Higher" perspective. A more expanded awareness, then you could say it is all "One". At a subatomic level everything is energy. The Source of this energy splits off into crystalline structures and our unique "Soul Signature" is created. Some souls chose to spend lives on different planets in different star systems. Some more in the Angelic realms. We have all incarnated into many forms. You could say your lineage in this life is where you connect to the most. You may have been a Pleiadian being or Arcturian in a past life so you connect to that energy. Before that you may have been a Lyran being where it is said that human consciousness was first created. There are many races throughout the galaxy. We are them all playing different perspectives. You could say in parallel realities and timelines.

Time is more of an illusion as everything is happening now. All of the varieties and species of beings are available to incarnate into for your choosing. You spend time with your guides over the "otherside" before you incarnate into the Earth or Galactic game. Your soul chooses the experiences that it wants to create. Then you also have the collective consciousness of the other souls/beings as well as co-creating with the planet and Universe.
You are never alone. You always have your guides and support with you.
The foundation of the Universe is unconditional love
I believe that we are beautiful souls that have a higher consciousness. A “higher” self. There are many names for it. The Higher self is the expanded version of you. We only squeeze parts of our soul into this human body. The brain can filter our experience and block the larger part of us. Pretend you are at the bottom of a mountain in the fog. Your “Higher” self is on the top of the mountain looking down and can tell you which way to go.

We have come to Earth to create and express consciousness which expands the Universe. The “Higher” aspect of ourselves can manifest anything we want instantly. Earth is a planet of time and space which means it takes us time to manifest instead of it being instantaneous. This actually means as souls we are pushing ourselves to show how creation works. We as powerful souls have volunteered to come to Earth. In doing so we often forget who we truly are. Our soul comes into this human body. The soul moves through the cells and organs and brain but the actual body and human ego personality construct are not who we truly are at the core. It’s said that a Universal team created the Ego construct in order for us to forget who we are so that we could stay in the lower denser frequencies of the third dimension reality. The Ego comes with programmes and a lot of this programming has continued from generation to generation.

This helped us as powerful souls to forget who we are. We are not just the human personality projection. We have a bandwidth of consciousness that has an illusion that it is shut off from the greater reality. We are born into a family and or a time and place and we are taught from birth who we are. Maybe a “male”, “female” or now we have other options, this religion, this ethnicity etc, but that’s not who we truly are at a soul level. This is a human perspective. We can be anything and are everything. The human body can be like an Avatar. Some even laugh and say it’s a “rental suit, space suit for the soul”.
Earth is where we experience one of the lowest levels of energy matter which is a brave powerful achievement. We are at low vibrating matter where it’s at its congealed form. This can feel heavy and dense compared to the lighter “higher” frequencies that we normally play in. We are bouncing back up again and unifying with all that is. We created this illusion of separation and now we are moving back to higher realms again.

Earth is a fun place for souls to advance their skills and to relearn who they truly are through what they like and dislike. If you are a powerful soul who is all knowing then how do you truly know who you are until you have seen different perspectives. Earth is said to be a place for “Master Souls” as the contrast and the duality of this world is huge compared to other realities. You have entered into a personality and body. As a soul you are seeing yourself from another perspective. The human personality construct has many emotions and feelings. This is what is so special about Earth. We have the opportunity to experience so many deep feelings. At a soul level we are more about love, joy, happiness and contentment. If you take away your body, your ethnicity, your name etc then you are far greater than just human. You are connected to Higher Consciousness constantly. It is only the blocks and limiting beliefs that we have that stop us receiving this amazing guidance.

Observe the "negative" thoughts and see if you can change the perspective. Can the experience bring you wisdom rather than suffering or putting you in victim mode? If you can’t shift the negative thoughts then maybe you can try and change the subject. I also enjoy sending negative thoughts away and turn them into clouds or butterflies. A lot of thoughts aren’t actually coming from you as a soul. They are just thought forms present in the quantum field of information. Just like an iCloud of information. Random thoughts can just float into your mind from the collective human consciousness. It is beneficial to practice bringing your mind to a higher consciousness. I find mediation, mindset, and mindfulness really helps.
As humans we have often been taught that we are less than. This is not the case at all. We are helping teach the higher realms things with more depth. Like compassion for example. Because we experience so much contrast in this reality we take ourselves deep into emotions and feelings. Many of the higher realms don’t have such intense feelings so the information humans are creating is going straight back into the Universal consciousness. This means all beings from Higher Realms including Source Energy can understand the deeper meaning of things like compassion.
Earth is like a great experiment. What would it be like to forget who we are? Why would we do this? The soul purpose for any vibrational adventure is for the experience. The exploration, the curiosity. The Third dimensional game was created because it would be an interesting experience. We created the illusion of separation. At other levels of reality beings can still remember that they are one. Part of the whole of Source Energy. They are one with the Universal consciousness but also have individuated consciousness at the same time.

Whereas most of the humans on Earth previously have been limiting themselves to individual consciousness. Many have not realized they have access to the whole. You could describe it like a Quantum field of knowledge and information. We all have access to it but we have forgotten that we can access the information. We have taken ourselves to a very dense heavy energy. It was hard for us as souls to hold this dense energy. It was such a low resonance frequency. So eventually the “Veil” the mind/the ego construct was created. Now the frequencies are rising again and the Universe wants us to balance the light and dark. We are starting to remember our true nature again. There is a huge celebration going on in the “higher” realms as we raise the frequencies of Earth.

We as a collective are raising our resonant frequency which means linear time can start to get distorted. We are moving faster. You may say going quantum. Like a hummingbirds wings we don’t often realize we are moving faster. In order to continue this collective shift into this "higher organic timeline" and expand back into our more natural frequencies we must do the inner work on ourselves. All it takes is to show kindness to our minds and body, love who we are and let go of any old beliefs that no longer serve us. Our past can bring us wisdom and it has all been a learning experience. If we can show kindness, forgiveness, non- judgement and compassion about ourselves then this transforms the whole collective.
You have opened your heart and are allowing the Universe to send healing energy, abundance, love, and a greater understanding of your unique soul signatures power. (Each of us is a powerful soul both part of the oneness and connected as a whole, but we also have our own uniqueness and individuality which makes us special) Your job now as a Starseed and or Lightworker soul if you wish to is to continue to find your interests and passions. If we can follow our heart and find what makes us feel good then we can teach the collective. If we look after ourselves then we flow with the river rather than trying to swim upstream. This information of transformation then goes into the collective consciousness of the planet. This shifts the energy of the whole world. It even helps other star systems as they learn through our experience.
The Universe is a complex place and you have chosen this Earth experience for a reason. You wanted to enrich your soul and expand your consciousness in a way that cannot be done in other realms and on other planets. You are a Starseed and or Lightworker Soul. Someone that has cosmic energy flowing through them. (Check out the Cosmic Oracle on the front page to see if you are a Starseed or Lightworker Soul)
The Earth reality is one of great illusion and mystical experiences. For as a soul you come in to forget your power. Humans have been taught to fear power so many have given their power away. You my dear loved one are a very special soul. You have much confidence that resides within your essence. You must dig deep and find your true power. You are no longer the victim of your life. You are now the powerful creator.

Moving forward we urge you to follow your heart. You have been brought up in a world that tries to tell you who you are. You are far from just a human. We must also remind you that it is a great honour being a human. What we are trying to say is that humans do not realize how incredible they are. Humans are talented, powerful, abundant, magical creatures. You have cosmic DNA within you. All of you as humans have DNA from different star systems. You are here to anchor in the cosmic and angelic energy. You are here to do things differently.
You are here to get out of the box that humans have been placed in. My dear loved one there is no great pressure for you to do anything. You can be your true authentic self. Follow your heart. Look into discovering your hobbies, interests and passions. What excites you? What delights you? It can be such basic things. If all humans on earth started to follow their interests from their internal knowing, from their heart, from their soul, then the world will start to shift. You can be the role model and show others how to find balance and happiness. When you focus on yourself you end up helping others. Don’t be afraid to show who you are.

More and more is being seen. More is being revealed. This was the exciting adventure you wanted to come on. You wanted to be here when human beings awakened. You wanted to be here for the front row seats of human consciousness expanding into the cosmic realms. It was so exciting to you as a soul. Please loved one we wish for you to find that excitement again. Flow with what is in front of you. Allow the higher dimensional guides and frequencies to support and help you. We can clear old stuck energy if you approve. Please say Yes to allowing the old energies to release and transmute back into positive. We love you so much.
You are living in a world that is shifting its consciousness. You are remembering that there is more in the greater reality. You are noticing and recognising more and more and we are so grateful that you are here with us. We love what you are doing on planet earth and we understand this is not always easy.

Are you Human, Galactic, Angelic or more?
When the Soul completely leaves the Earthly, Angelic and Galactic Realms it is back to its pure form. It is still you but it is the complete expanded version of you. As the higher aspect of yourself you will still be you but you will remember the other lives you have had. You will be able to instantly manifest. You will have a complete understanding of how the Universe works. You will be all knowing again.
It is a treat to be on Earth & have an experience of the process of creation. Rather than instant manifestation. Getting want you want easily can be boring after millions of years.