Hello, my name is Jozee and I am the creator of Lilyleaf Eleven. We are a High frequency Boutique and Wellness Lifestyle brand. We are passionate about the Mind, body and soul connection. I offer Soul enrichment opportunities to support you along your path.
The name came to me in 2018 when I was doing a relaxing yoga practice. In my mind’s eye I saw the Lotus leaf + Waterlily symbol. I saw the Lotus in the mud symbolising rising and rebirth and blossoming into something beautiful.
My intent to is bring peace, love, wellness, abundance and happiness into the parts of the Earth and collective consciousness that I can.
We are all powerful souls and I believe I’m here to anchor in light codes from higher frequencies to support us on our path.
I am a teacher, mother, consciousness coach, mentor, designer, author and creator. We are all part of the Oneness of the Universe. I feel inspired to guide and support others as we are all growing and evolving together.
My passions are painting, writing, hanging out with my boys, studying Quantum Physics, Akashic knowledge, Universal consciousness studies, yoga, dance, strength training, beach play, watching surfing and much more. I love incorporating the mind + body + soul.

Follow your passions & interests
Your heart will lead the way
My favourite saying is "Follow the breadcrumbs of excitement"
Make your dreams come true
You are a powerful creator.

Lilyleaf11 evolves daily. I call it a high frequency boutique as I only want to bring in energies filled with love and support.
I have studied as a:
- Law of Attraction coach
- Akashic Records Mentor
- Induction, Teacher & mentoring guide
- Consciousness guide
- Quantum Records Reader
- Artist & Designer
- Author/ publisher (Aka - Indi B on Amazon)
- Certified Compassion Keys Practitioner
We all share a connection and contain ancient wisdom that is unlocking within our DNA. I am excited to share my knowledge with you. Every one of us is our own Guru and it’s time to take our power back.
At Lilyleaf Eleven I feel it’s important to be your best self. Feel good. Be your true authentic self without trying to be anyone else. It’s important to show kindness, love and respect to your own mind, body and soul. When we feel good then we have more love, energy and compassion for others. Everyone is important and not one person is better than another. My favourite saying is “Follow the breadcrumbs of excitement”. It’s about finding your passion and interests. Your true essence.
Thank you for coming along on the journey.
Love Jozee xxx
My Vision + People + Planet
To work in harmony with people and the planet. To create with intention, good vibes and love.

Giving Back
I love having a purpose and using my intuition and discernment when choosing charities. I love supporting our global community, but I also realize I am only one person. I give when I feel inspired by the Universe rather than through sadness or sorrow. I intend on raising frequencies of Earth so that others have more abundance, love, clarity and wellness. I work with Mental Health Services to uplift and promote Healthy Minds awareness. I have also worked with planting trees and Surfers Healing to support kids with Autism. It’s more about giving love and compassion and celebrating what we have and bringing our talents together.
Sustainability and inclusion of life is important. A lot of it is about focusing on solutions and helping others with inspired action. We love planting trees, seeds, vegetable gardens and gathering in nature.
We are all beautiful souls on a journey. Not one of us is better than the other. At a subatomic level we are all energy. Which means we are all equal. A rose doesn’t compare itself to another rose.

Mental Health
Every one is important. Everyone is special. There are a lot of reasons for Mental Health challenges. Many are because we have not been taught the nature of reality and our true essence. At Lilyleaf Eleven we support everyone. We give to Mental Health Charities to support awareness and good vibes for the world.
We are committed to ensuring the unique lived experiences and perspectives of our local and global community are acknowledged and respected; it’s these lived experiences and perspectives that we respect. . We strive to build and nurture a business culture that is open, honest, and inclusive. We understand that a diverse and inclusive culture does not happen without effort and commitment to continuous learning.
We acknowledge our responsibility to play an active role in striving to always represent a broad spectrum of community in our messaging – from age, race, ability to gender identity and beyond. At the essence of everything we are all one energy. We are all oneness. We are beautiful unique pieces of one big Universal puzzle.

Empowering New Earth
Thank you for being a part of the Lilyleaf Eleven community. Together, we can support each other to live our best lives.
I’m passionate about inspiring others. Every one of us can be the catalyst for positive growth. Even a smile can reach hundreds and thousands of people. If we are kind to ourselves and kind to others, then we can continue to bring in a beautiful “New” Earth. A transformation of love, happiness, abundance, wellness and community.
We become an even better version of ourselves when we take care of ourselves. Be the change you want to see in the world.
We are a symbol of love, support, positivity and strength. Together we can create our future.
It’s time to empower each other. Be inspired by one another and help others to fly like the butterflies they are meant to be. Love Jozee xxx