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Choosing my Crystal

Choosing my Crystal

How do I choose my crystal? I believe it's beneficial to use your intuition. Pick what you feel at the time. I don’t think you have to choose a certain crystal for a certain need. Choose what you are drawn to. It might be the colour. It might be the look. It might be the feel of it. Identify what you are feeling. Tune in with yourself.  Softly feel what your needs and wants are. You can experiment with different stones. If they are in front of you then you might want to gentle touch them to sense if they resonate. If you cannot touch or they are online then feel which one you are drawn to or what excites you. Pay attention to any physical or emotional sensations that you are experiencing. Some people may choose a crystal because they are focusing on a certain problem area with their body. They might choose a crystal for that body part, but often the aliment, injury or disease has come from an energy blockage in a different area. Don't always assume that there isn't another root cause for everything. Tap into your heart space and ask your higher self or your guides for clarity. Everything, including crystals has its own resonate frequency. It will have a certain vibration that you will be drawn to or repelled from. The frequency encompasses many aspects. It might depend on the type of crystal. How deep it was buried. What other elements it contains. What the weather was doing over the millions of years that it formed. Don't overthink it. Just close your eyes then open and see where your eyes are drawn to. Have fun with it. Crystals are meant to be helpful, not hard work. Trust your intuition and higher guidance.

Love Jozee xx


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