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How I fell in love with Crystals

How I fell in love with Crystals

I was sitting in my home in Red Beach New Zealand reading a Vogue article about how celebrities were into crystals. The next week some how I ended up at a Yoga, essential oils and crystal workshop with a girl that had recently given me a ‘Chakra Crystal Massage’.
I remember having a few crystals when I was younger but nothing recently.

A week after that I was at my regular Yoga class lying on my mat with my eyes shut. This symbol came into my mind. It was so clear. A circle and in the middle a lotus/ water lily which is one of my favourite flowers. That night I designed the Lilyleaf Logo and started an Instagram page. I wasn’t sure what direction I was heading in. I thought maybe I could buy a few crystals and take some photos for Instagram. That’s where Lilyleaf was born. The Lotus flower is a ‘symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower.’ (Oxford Dictionary)

For me it was a struggle not really knowing where to start. I do editing for teachers and accounts for my partners business. I had to learn about the different types of crystals, learning about marketing, sales, customer service, web design. The list goes on. I’m not really sure how I arrived here a year and a half later with an Online Store. 1000’s of followers over social media and playing with beautiful crystals everyday.

I hadn’t planned on any of it but when I look back the signs were there. The Lilyleaf symbol at Yoga. I actually had a Lotus flower sticker on my old Apple Mac years ago. I always remember Rachel Hunter & Emma Mildon on their 11:11 Podcast talking about ‘spiritual breadcrumbs’ where you are lead to the place you are meant to be.

Manifesting what we want is simple but it’s definitely not easy. All we have to do is ask for what we want, but however, there is a catch. The energy we put into asking affects what we manifest. If we ask the universe for things in a desperate, needy, or doubtful way, we will actually attract more despair, need and doubt. In addition, if we are too vague about what we desire we can end up manifesting the wrong things or nothing at all.
This is why it is important to get very clear about both our energy and our intentions before we attempt to manifest what we want.

I love crystals because catching a glimpse of a crystal can remind us to slow down and get back to realising how beautiful the little things are.

Stress can be calmed by taking time for yourself. Crystals are a beautiful way to calm the mind and reset again.

For all the souls out there who have days where you are stressed, feel unloved, anxious, overwhelmed, sad, angry, left out. Know you are not alone. Find your passion, do what makes you happy. You don’t need thousands of followers or 100’s of friends. You just need to be yourself. You are special, unique and important. Think of one thing you are grateful for.

Thanks for Listening.

Jozee x x x

Jozee from ‘Lilyleaf’ Boutique Store


Capon Lila

Bonjour Mme, Mr, je me permets de vous envoyer un mail pour vous dire que je suis très admirative et émerveillée par autant de beauté émanant de votre collection de pierres précieuses . J ai pris connaissance de votre boutique en ligne par le biais de Pinterest. J épingle des photographies de vos pierres précieuses. C est vraiment magnifique sublime .

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