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Spiritual Gucci

Spiritual Gucci

Do we have to be poor to be spiritual?

Just because you have expanded your awareness and are becoming more “Enlightened” “Awakened” aligned with the Universe doesn’t mean that you have to stop with all the material possessions. Everything on Earth is a Spiritual experience. Even what we think is physical matter is all energy. 

I like to see it through the lens of intention. Are you wanting those Gucci sunglasses because you want to make yourself feel better and you want everyone to like you? Or are you enjoying the realm of matter and you think it would be fun to purchase something through an energy exchange? Being spiritual doesn’t mean you have to be poor. Being spiritual doesn’t mean you need to let go off material possessions. There is a lot of information about less is more and I do agree that not being too overwhelmed with “stuff” can be a relief but it still depends on your perspective. A billionaire can be totally content or totally stressed out within the space of 5 minutes. Is it the pressure from the material or physical world or is it pressure from their own mind?

Everything depends on your perception. If you perceive physical items as being a burden then that is what you will create. If you look at material possessions with excitement, fun and appreciation then you will shift the energy on that subject. 

Be happy then buy that thing you want. Instead of buy that thing you want then be happy. That is a completely different energy. 

Being spiritual doesn’t mean you have to live in a tiny house. You are not saving the world. But if a tiny house adventure excites you and feels like fun then go for it. We are all creating our own reality and if manifested correctly we can create more than enough room, space, abundance and comfort for every single person on earth. It’s not the size of Earth that matters it’s the perception of it. Earth can be any size we believe it to be. If not having much makes you feel good then that’s amazing but if you are doing it because you think the world needs it then that way of thinking is coming from a survival, poverty consciousness, lack or ego mentality. 

Tune into your intention behind your thoughts, thinking and creations. Is it coming from excitement or is it coming from a fear based anxiety narrative?

Connect with your heart and ask for guidance for your next manifestations. I would love this thing because I’m excited about how it would feel having it. Rather than I need this thing to impress my friends and family. 

It’s none of our business what anyone else thinks of us. You do you. Don’t feel bad or guilty about wanting more in life. You are an abundant eternal soul. You are the creator of your world. You deserve the best. We were taught that suffering is part of the human experience. Let’s change our mindset and create from a space of love, excitement, joy and happiness. Create from an organic timeline where we bring in abundance while aligning with a beautiful unified sustainable world. 

Love Jozee xx 


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