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Am I an Alien?

Am I an Alien?

 The Universe is a vast beautiful place. Are we really believing that it is just us? Some may say well there might be life on other planets but they will be too far away to visit. But if you also start to look into the quantum realms there is much more than meets the eye. Quantum physics takes us down a rabbit hole of possibities.

There are beings that live on other dimensional spaces or you could call them frequencies. There are many advanced beings that have the technology to bend space and time. A being could set coordinates to our frequency and be here instantly. In their reality there is no speed of light. This is just a belief that has been created by humans that haven't advanced past certain paradigms.  In certain dimensions there is no space and time.

Scientists are proving that our DNA has been created and added to over time. It seems we may have been seeded from many stars, planets and Galactic beings from around the Universe. You could even say it goes beyond Galactic and into the multidimensional aspects of reality. Aliens are here on Earth and have always been here. You could also say we are aliens as there are many other planets in which we would look different to the species and individuals that live there.

The Universe is a beautiful magnificent landscape for souls to see different perspectives. We can evolve and create illusions of limitation to see a different aspect of the whole. Anything you can think of can be real. Anything that has been imagined has been created. Just because you think it is only imagined doesn't mean it's not real.

Starseed soul is a term that has been used lately and many have different perspectives on it. To me we all have cosmic energy that flows within us but some connect more with Galactic beings in this particular lifetime as they may have had many carnations in certain star systems.

Some also feel that they are Alien hybrids in a way where they share their body with another aspect of themselves that is what humans would call Alien. Many would think they were schizophrenic feeling like there is another being in their mind. This maybe another part of yourself. An aspect of your multidimensional being that spends lives in many realities and dimensional spaces.

We must remember that at the core we are all one energy. You could say we come from one Source. Some call it Source energy some call it god. Did the source of every thing split off and create individualised versions of everything and anything that can ever be imagined? Do we play in these vehicles, space suits, avatars, rental suits as a soul? Does this mean that if we are all connected then we are all aliens, we are all angels, we are all humans. We are it all.

It seems that over lifetimes we are drawn to certain areas that we want to experience. Our multidimensional aspects can be brought together and we can take our learnings from other lives and use them as wisdom. Do some souls incarnate into their human body with other aspects of themselves from past or future lives? This may be why some people feel more Alien than others. They can be tuned into their other lives and some are just more tuned to smaller parts or aspects of their multidimensional self.

It can get overwhelming and hard to comprehend sometimes.  If you feel there is something more to you and Earth feels a bit strange then you may be tapping into your multidimensional self. You maybe tapping into yourself as an Alien on another planet. I actually like to say Star being or Multidimensional being as Alien has some interesting connotations.

Just know that if you feel different you are not alone. Your guides are loving and supporting you. If you are here then it is most likely you are a Starseed or Lightworker soul. Starseeds are seeding the planet with cosmic frequencies and Lightworkers are also working with Starseeds to anchor higher frequency Light codes on to planet Earth to raise the vibration.

You may be drawn to particular star races because you may have spent time or many lifetimes in a particular incarnation. You may have spent lives as different beings but sometimes we are drawn to certain star families. 

Many Starseeds and Lightworkers have come to Earth at this time for the great human awakening. We have the power to create our reality and bring in the "New Earth-Organic timeline" Focus on what makes you happy. What makes you feel good. Your "Higher self" and guides are showing you the path. Your interests and passions are helping to show you which way to go.

Follow the breadcrumbs of excitiment. All will start to be revealed. You are unlocking your DNA and remembering who you are. You are an incredible soul with much power and love xx Have fun

Photos are AI generated on Canva by Jozee @lilyleaf11 


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