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Starseed Vibes

If you have been drawn to this picture then you are a Starseed Soul. 

A STARSEED is here to plant the SEEDS of Cosmic energy onto the planet. The galaxy flows within your DNA.

Your Galactic family would like to share with you that you are not alone. Earth is a dense planet and it can be extra challenging for Starseeds. Humans don’t often make sense of why they do the things they do. You are loved and have support. You have a galactic family that is guiding you and there are many millions of Starseeds and Lightworkers like you that have volunteered to come at this time. This is for the great human awakening and shift of consciousness on the planet. Humans, Mother Earth and all beings on the planet are evolving. Please know that you do not need to change who you are to fit in. This is the Starseeds journey. It is to be their true authentic selves. Your higher self and the guides will support and guide you. Focus on your interests and passions. These are a great guide and path to help you follow your purpose. You are here to be your true authentic self. You are here to help Earth break through the box. The mold of what we were taught we had to be. We are changing society's beliefs by being our true authentic selves. You are an important piece of the puzzle.

You are so valuable, worthy and loved. Thank you for being here on Earth. This is a very exciting time to be alive. Follow the breadcrumbs of excitement.

Sending good vibes your way xxx Jozee