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Lightworker Vibes

If you have been drawn to this picture then you are a Lightworker Soul.

You are here anchoring the Light code frequencies from Higher realms -hence the word "LIGHTworker".

Light code frequencies contain information about the Angelic realms, the Cosmos, the Universe and more. They can look like geometric patterns. Some people can see them in the subtle energies. Some can see them when they shut their eyes and rub them. Light codes can be interpreted in many ways. Some people may get a download of information that brings them knowledge and wisdom. Some will visually see images in their minds eye. Some may speak or sing in what some call Light Language. Some may hear the words.

You are living in a reality that has been created through consciousness. Information is coming from your own consciousness, higher consciousness streams and you are also co-creating with many other resonant frequencies in the Universe. This is like a game for souls. A very challenging game you might say but we would like to make it easier for you. If you have come to this page, then you are a Lightworker soul. A lightworker is someone that carry’s the light within them. They contain Light codes of information. Hence the word Lightworker. What a lightworker does is anchor the frequencies of light onto planets. You are especially here currently at this time and space as it is the great human awakening. A time that you knew was coming as a soul. You have been preparing for this for a long time.

Humans have been playing the game of limitation. They have forgotten who they are. They have a personality construct. You may call it an ego construct. This is not a bad thing it just means you are playing a game of limitation to forget your Divine Light. Every soul contains divine light, but they have either forgotten that they are the light or they don’t want to be the light anymore. Everything has come from Source energy. From the beginning. The Oneness of all. The space of pure possibilities and opportunities can be created. All of us as souls are crystalline structures that have moved into our own unique individualised personalities but also contain the whole like a hologram. Within us lies the Universe, the Source. God. Whatever you would like to call the oneness. It is pure love, and it is the glue that holds the Universe together. It binds every molecule, every cell. You my dear loved have come from more pure light. You have peace and love within your heart.

Many have branched off from Source energy at this time to play the game of forgetting but their true essence is love and light. We are helping them remember again. When we say branched off from Source energy, we have to explain that no one is ever separated from source energy as everything is the one. They are only creating the illusion that they are not.

To find your path you will find that your interests and passions will guide you. These things that you enjoy and inspire you will help you follow the light. If it excites you and interests you then follow that experience until you can't follow it anymore. Until it doesn't resonate or excite you anymore. Remember everything is within you. Connect with your heart. Your guides will help you. They will send you signs daily. Trust yourself. Trust your inner knowing. You are wise beyond words. You are loved more than you know. You are a power soul created from unconditional love.

Follow the breadcrumbs of excitement.

Sending love and light xx Jozee