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Double Mission

If you have been drawn to this picture then you are on a "Double Mission". You are a Starseed and Lightworker soul.

A STARSEED is here to plant the SEEDS of Cosmic energy onto the planet and a LIGHTWORKER is anchoring LIGHT codes of high frequencies into the collective consciousness.

You my dear loved one are a Starseed - Lightwoker soul. Someone that has come to Earth to anchor in the higher cosmic frequencies as well as Light code frequencies from the Angelic and Celestial realms. You are a very special being.

You may not always fit into society’s “norms’ and this is a good. This is what you and many others came for. You came to change the old systems. You came to shake up the old beliefs. If everyone on earth continued to put themselves in a box and keep doing what they think is expected of them then nothing would change. This is the time of the great awakening. You were so excited to come. You knew what you were getting into with your way of life. There have been challenges but this is ok. There is nothing wrong. Everything is right where it is meant to be. You are such a beautiful soul and we love you very much. You are working with cosmic and angelic energies at this time. You have a high vibrational frequency so you are planting/ anchoring these seeds onto planet earth.  It is your mission to be your true authentic self. Can you be who you want to be? Does it matter what anyone else thinks of you? Is it our business what anyone thinks of us? There is no judgement in the “Higher realms” only love. Humans have got confused over the years because of culture and religion. They think they need to judge themselves and be someone that others want them to be. No more dear loved one. You are coming into your own. You are discovering yourself and what makes you happy. This is what earth needed. Earth needs Starseeds and Lightworkers like you to be themselves. No apologies. No guilt. Just be you. Continue to discover who you are. All is starting to be revealed. We have much love for you.

As a higher frequency being for you it can be challenging to make sense of this world some days. Do not worry. You do not need to understand it. This is a low density game. A reality where you forget and give yourself limitations. You are starting to remember and discover that these limitations can be lifted. Tune into your inner wisdom and guidance. We love you so much xx

You are so special and important. Be your true authentic self. Do what makes you feel good. You are so loved. Follow your interests and passions. These will lead you on your path.

Follow the breadcrumbs of excitiment.

Sending good vibes your way xxx Jozee